Do Like to Help Create Longevity?

Do Like to Help Create Longevity?

A study showed that people who are helping with the excuse that focus on other people to live longer than those who do not like to help. However, if the activities conducted with a focus to help yourself, "bonus" longevity will not apply.

Sara Konrath research conducted with colleagues from the University of Michigan took random sample of 10,317 people from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. The participants are high school graduates in 1957, which in 2008 they were around 69 years of age, and about half of them are women.

Healthy Food Weight Loss

Healthy Food Weight Loss

Anyone would want their ideal weight, but the fact is not everyone who has a perfect weight required a lot of people. The main factor that is overweight diet, why? Because of poor diet greatly affect the weight Dadan. Quoted from I find healthy foods that are able to lose weight. The following types of healthy foods can help you to lose weight, like what you want:

When the Little Affected by Flu Singapore

When the Little Affected by Flu Singapore

Starting with a fever and the appearance of the rash in the mouth in the form of red spots, which later became a lesion or blister. When you find these symptoms, beware! Singapore could be a flu or HFMD (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease).

Initial symptoms are fever for 2 days and a mouth full of canker sores. On the child's hands and feet appear red blotches. Moreover, he did not want to eat, but still want to drink milk.

Is it true that this disease be dangerous? Rumors are circulating, as dangerous as Singapore Flu Bird Flu? Does my child need to be treated? When children get the disease, do not panic. HFMD is usually mild viral infection, provided that immediately gets the right treatment.

How to Measure the length of the circumference of Earth

How to Measure the length of the circumference of Earth

The first person to be able to estimate the length of the circumference of the earth is Eratosthenes, he was a philosof from Greek mathematician and astronomer. The method of Eratosthenes to measure the length of the circumference of the earth are as follows:

Secretly Unair Jump 'Fire' 7 His students

Secretly Unair Jump 'Fire' 7 His students

Structural Airlangga University officials accused issued a policy that does not side with the students. The policy related to student academic hostage or Drop Out (DO) to be smooth.

Unair official action is performed by reason of the students did not pass the evaluation study. Because, first-year student at the D3 set and at least get 20 credits in the 3rd year of at least 60 credits. As for S1, in year two in stakes at least get 40 credits in year 4 and have to get 80 credits.

Student Advocacy Forum releases of Airlangga University (FAM Unair) received LIcom mentioned, the policy is held in private and secretly.
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