The tomb of the ancient Maya

The tomb of the ancient Maya

What's in an ancient Maya tomb covered over 1,500 years, finally revealed. Although the investigators could not enter into it, from the modest magnitude of the gap, 15 x 15 inches, small camera is inserted - and uncover secrets in it.

The tomb is located in Palenque - a complex of ruins in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

According to the National Institute of Anthropology and History (Inah), true tomb was discovered in 1999 - under a building called the Temple XX.

But, alas, the researchers could not enter. Because, at the top of the pyramid tomb room unstable. Reckless action broke into the tomb, feared it would damage the mural is in it.

The camera reveals, the tomb is shaped rooms painted blood red, decorated with paintings of nine black figures. There is pottery, pieces of jade, and shells. Floor of the tomb seemed covered with the dust of the weathering of rocks for thousands of years

Then where the bodies are buried? Although covered in dust, archaeologists suspect Martha Cuevas, jade and shells found in the tomb could be part of the body costumes.

The researchers hope, these findings could reveal the early life of Maya rulers. To note, the advanced Mayan temple allegedly built over the tomb of their predecessors. "This led us to an understanding, that the South Acropolis is used as a royal cemetery at the time," said Cuevas

Meanwhile, Maya epigraphy experts from the University of Texas, Austin suspect it is the tomb of Palenque ruler, a woman named Ix Yohl Ik'nal - this conjecture based on the identity of the ancestors who painted on the wall. "Ruler of women mentioned in a number of historical texts in the site


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